
Antifascist birthday book list – 3rd (ish) edition

I’m back with my sometimes-annual antifascist birthday reading list, where instead of the gift you probably weren’t going to get me anyway (no worries, I didn’t get you one either, right?), I ask you to choose an antifascist book to read. My favorite part is when you actually read it and tell me how you feel about it!

I started this clearly very loosely held tradition in 2019 with this list of nonfiction books, podcasts, and other actions. In 2022 I went all-out with fiction recommendations. Seems like I skipped last year, so I’ve included books that came out since the last list I wrote. Without further ado, this year’s antifascist birthday book list…


Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care

By Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba



Safety through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism

By Shane Burley and Ben Lorber



¡No Pasarán!: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis

Edited by Shane Burley

(nonfiction anthology)


The Writing on the Wall: Signs of Faith against Fascism

By Eric Martin



Station Six

By S.J. Klapecki



Begin The World Over

By Kung Li Sun



Shout-out to AK Press where I have a monthly subscription, and shout-out to The Beautiful Idea, an antifascist bookstore & community hub on Charlottesville’s downtown mall, where I also have a monthly subscription, and which should have all these books for sale unless they haven’t restocked since I bought their last copy… in which case, they have other awesome antifascist books, too!


Content notes for Charlottesville 2017 Summer of Hate, A11-A12:

Safety through Solidarity – Chapter 7 on white nationalism includes interviews with me and several other Charlottesville community members about A11-A12, etc. UTR is in the index if you want to skip those parts or at least prepare yourself. 

¡No Pasarán! has a fabulous piece by Emily Gorcenski that includes discussion of her direct experience on A11-A12 and in Charlottesville more broadly. A few of the other pieces may include folks who aren’t Charlottesville community members who touch on A11-A12 as part of recent antifascist history.

The Writing on the Wall is all about A11-A12 so huge content note for the whole thing. I found it very difficult emotionally to be honest, courageous and beautiful and difficult. Eric is a beloved friend and comrade of mine, and the book features an interview with Jalane as well as several other beloved friends and comrades. I’m glad this book exists – I recommend it for folks who don’t have first-hand experience of A11-A12, and especially for folks involved in Christian organizing.


Another disclaimer is that I’m still in the process of reading Safety through Solidarity but I feel confident recommending it! I was crying from the introduction and learned so much from the first section, and I feel deeply grateful to be included in this powerful project.


Something that’s on my reading list that I haven’t read yet, but would love to discuss when I do…


From the River to the Sea: Essays for a Free Palestine

Edited by Sai Englert, Michal Schatz and Rosie Warren

(free e-book anthology of personal testimonies, essays, and interviews)


In sum: Free Palestine, fight antisemitism, and let this radicalize you, because through antifascist movement building, together we can begin the world over!

Much love.

Published by Mimi Arbeit

applied developmental scientist, antifascist community organizer, sexuality educator